
Vulnerability Validation & False Positive Elimination

Our team verifies and validates each vulnerability, eliminating false positives.

Scanners provide security teams with thousands of vulnerabilities to remediate and a lot of false positives. Each vulnerability needs to be verified and validated by the security team before it can be prioritized for remediation. Securin’s research takes on this burden by manually verifying each vulnerability and eliminating false positives, and providing customers with an actionable list of high-risk vulnerabilities prioritized for remediation.

Scanners provide security teams with thousands of vulnerabilities to remediate and a lot of false positives. Each vulnerability needs to be verified and validated by the security team before it can be prioritized for remediation. Securin’s research takes on this burden by manually verifying each vulnerability and eliminating false positives, and providing customers with an actionable list of high-risk vulnerabilities prioritized for remediation.

Benefits of Vulnerability Management


Validating Scan Resultsons

We validate & prioritize vulnerabilities based on vulnerability intelligence, false positive patterns, environment-informed prioritization, & domain configuration.

Save Time & Effort

Our vulnerability management expertise saves your team time & effort as they focus their efforts on remediating high-risk vulnerabilities that attract attackers.

Accurate Prioritization

Our prioritization criteria takes into account definitive intelligence, threat context, & predictive intelligence to calculate the probability of exploitation.