Non-Production Systems Exposed to the Public
Whether merging or acquiring, be on the lookout for security pitfalls.
A key part of protecting your company’s data is protecting its software development environment. Developers often spend much of their time in non-production environments — testing and debugging code before it is moved into production use. Unfortunately, non-production environments are often less secure than production systems for the ease of use in making rapid changes. We ensure that your test environments are just as secure as your production ones.

A key part of protecting your company’s data is protecting its software development environment. Developers often spend much of their time in non-production environments — testing and debugging code before it is moved into production use. Unfortunately, non-production environments are often less secure than production systems for the ease of use in making rapid changes. We ensure that your test environments are just as secure as your production ones.

Benefits of Attack Surface Management

Use Dummy Data
Keep non-production environments secure by using mock data or anonymize real data to reduce business impact.

Protect Staging Data
Apply the same level of security hygiene for non-production environments as production environments.

Total Visibility
Complete visibility of all your company's test environments allows servers to be monitored & patched by your team.