Securin Articles

Read about the latest news & updates in cybersecurity.
Salt Typhoon (aka GhostEmperor) escalated its operations in 2024, targeting critical infrastructure across multiple countries. Here’s what you need to know.
CISA’s Secure by Design pledge underlines the importance of reframing how we talk about and address the fundamental challenge of vulnerability and weakness in widely used software.
Rhysida ransomware is a new threat that emerged in May 2023 and has since targeted various sectors, including healthcare and the government, impacting over 150 victims in 25 countries.
There’s more to weakness in code than frequency. For a true understanding of the risks, an understanding of the threat perspective is crucial. Here’s what DevOps, DevSecOPs and other defenders should be thinking about.
Learn about the vulnerabilities exploited, attack methodology, techniques and tactics used by the LockBit Ransomeware.
Securin experts have observed Cl0p ransomware exploiting a total of 13 vulnerabilities. We deep dive into who they are, their methodology, and tactics.
Read Securin experts' insights when they revisited HIVE and their attack tactics and techniques, and what organizations can do to remain safe from future attacks.
Securin’s VRS measures the risk posed by a vulnerability, considering factors such CVSS vector, threat associations, exploitation trends, and our AI- and ML-based predictions.
AvosLocker made a name for itself by targeting critical infrastructure in 2021 and is still worth monitoring today.
Companies that have experienced a breach underperform the market by more than 15% three years later. That raises the question - “Is your data safe?”
Vice Society has been observed employing ransomware variants, similar to the Russian Sandworm Team and TA505 threat actors.
As the world still reels under the impact of the Ukraine-Russia cyberwar, yet another Cyberwar has started between Iran and Albania. Securin's experts provide insights into Iranian threats that organizations need to watch out for.
Despite being patched four years ago, the self-propagating malware, Indexsinas SMB worm, exposes that Windows servers are still vulnerable to the infamous NSA EternalBlue exploits and can be used for crypto-mining.
Apache Log4j vulnerability is a critical zero-day code execution vulnerability. On December 9, 2021, the Internet was set on fire when an exploit was posted publicly for Apache Log4J - a well-known logging utility in the Java programming language.
Did you know hackers can exploit 125 weaponized vulnerabilities in VPN products to attack their targets? Securin analysts deep dive into exposures in VPNs that could compromise organizational networks.
The impact of the Log4j vulnerability continues to be felt by thousands of companies exploited or attacked by hackers and ransomware. Rapid and proactive action from Securin’s Incident Response Team helped protect all its clients.
This blog provides a snapshot of how Securin is helping schools gain resilience against cyber attacks and evolving threats and what schools can do to stay safe from ransomware attacks.
CSW weekly threat intelligence edition brings to you early warnings about critical vulnerabilities that could potentially be weaponized and prove dangerous to your organization and its assets.
All CVEs mentioned in this blog edition have received a maximum rating from the Threat Intelligence platform indicating high probability of exploitation.
Apache Log4j vulnerability CVE-2021-44228 is a critical zero-day code execution vulnerability with a CVSS base score of 10. This weakness poses a significant risk to many applications and cloud services and it needs to be patched right away!
CSW’s quarterly report on ransomware metrics reveals that three new APT groups are using ransomware to mount attacks on their targets, bringing the total number of APT groups using ransomware to 43. Read more on them here.
With the sudden increase in the number of establishments completely operating via remote means, the internet exposure is higher than ever before. The cyber threats of an organization expose the vulnerabilities present in its assets.
In this blog, CSW experts analyzed CISA’s Known Exploited Vulnerabilities (KEV) list for latencies in publishing, exploiting, and patching to understand how fast attackers are weaponizing them for attacks.
Conti has been one of the most prolific ransomware groups in 2022. Organizations need to prioritize patching for these vulnerabilities in order to avoid large-scale attacks.
iLOBleed was spotted targeting HP Enterprise’s server management technology to tamper with the firmware and wipe data off the infected systems. Could this be a sign of a dangerous trend?
Cybersecurity is a priority in education due to the lack of resources and continual ransomware attacks. CISA’s new K-12 Cybersecurity Act will research and develop tools to help schools become more secure against cyberattacks.
The Apache Software Foundation has published a new version 2.4.52 of the Apache HTTP Server to fix two vulnerabilities in one of the world's most popular web servers - one of which is rated as high, and the other as critical.
A directive recently released by the US government-backed Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency has a list of 703 known vulnerabilities that organizations have been asked to focus on patching immediately. Amongst them, 158 vulnerabilities have been identified as being exploited actively by various ransomware families. Read on to learn more about the vulnerabilities.
US-based customer support and sales representative company handling the world’s largest brands, TTEC, faces a network outage following a ransomware attack and sparks fears of a supply-chain attack. Read on to find out more about the attack.
The FBI, CISA, and the Cyber Guard (CGCYBERs) warned of a serious vulnerability (CVE-2021-40539) in a single Zoho Signup and Password Management Solution that State Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) actors are actively scanning the internet for vulnerable servers.
A critical security flaw in the Linux kernel went unpatched for 15 years till attackers used it to gain local privilege escalation, escape the Kubernetes pod and obtain root privileges on Linux systems. Read our analysis where we look into the vulnerability’s characteristics and the impact it can have.
Two OpenSSL vulnerabilities, one remote code execution, and a denial-of-service were discovered by network-attached storage device manufacturers, Synology and QNAP. The fear of a ransomware attack leveraging the vulnerabilities still remains high. Here is our analysis of the vulnerabilities.
On September 21, 2021, VMware published an advisory warning of nineteen vulnerabilities in their vCenter Server. Of the nineteen vulnerabilities, one CVE stands out as being extremely critical and potential to be exploited by ransomware—CVE-2021-22005.
The United States Cyber Command and Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) rang the warning bells for companies to patch a critical vulnerability (CVE-2021-26084) in the Atlassian Confluence Server and Data Center. Here is our analysis about this vulnerability.
An Israeli zero-click cyber-espionage software recently infected the Apple devices of journalists and politicians from around the world by exploiting three zero-day vulnerabilities. Read our analysis of these vulnerabilities.
On Aug 11, 2021, Accenture, a multinational IT Consulting and Services company, became the latest victim of LockBit 2.0 Ransomware. Our researchers investigated the vulnerabilities that LockBit exploits to compromise their targets and here is our analysis.
Nobelium, the APT group behind the infamous SolarWinds attack, has resurfaced in two recent campaigns against US-based IT companies and government organizations. Check out Securin’s analysis about 18 vulnerabilities used by the group to exploit and infiltrate their targets.
The Conti group is associated with three vulnerabilities. If these had taken precedence in the CVE patching priority, the series of Conti attacks could have been avoided.
CSW Pentester’s have released a script to detect the Windows Print Spooler Remote Code Execution Vulnerability. Running the script can help organizations detect connected devices that could be vulnerable to exploits.
REvil Ransomware uses six vulnerabilities to target their victims and if these had been remediated and patched on priority, JBS - the world’s largest meat packer could have escaped this attack. CSW warned about these vulnerabilities in its Ransomware Spotlight Report published in February 2021.
In our recently published Ransomware Spotlight report 2020 we tracked down vulnerabilities that are being used by Ransomware to launch attacks on organizations worldwide. Here are a few surprising findings about old vulnerabilities in this report
Ryuk is a crypto-ransomware strain that encrypts access to a system, device, or file through malware and demands ransom to release it.
This women’s day, we spoke to a few inspiring women executives who are breaking the myth and are soaring high. They are skilled, motivated, and talented and they come from different geographies, backgrounds but are united by their passion for cybersecurity.
What does 2021 have in store for cybersecurity? Will we take note of the lessons learned in 2020 and start taking security seriously? Will we see more cyberattacks? We asked our exclusive team of pentesting experts to predict the trends for us, and here is what they said.
2020 was a productive year for threat actors. With the world’s workforce working remotely while dealing with the pandemic, threat actors were busy weaponizing critical vulnerabilities that had a global impact. Many organizations fell prey to ransomware and sophisticated cyber attacks that allowed remote and privileged access to sensitive information.
Popular scanners such as Tenable, Qualys and Nexpose are missing 48 vulnerabilities out of 102 vulnerabilities. To help 18000 customers who have been affected, CSW team has come up with a script that would help detect SolarWinds Orion Product running on your network.
The massive breach of SolarWinds Network Management product has compromised as many as 18,000 organizations outside of U.S Government entities, security agencies, defense entities. We took a closer look at the weaknesses that exist in other SolarWinds products and found that top scanners miss most of the vulnerabilities.
Dec 13 SolarWinds disclosed that vulnerabilities in their network management tool Orion was used to mount attacks on FireEye and on several Government agencies. Securin analyzed Orion’s 15 Vulnerabilities and found a known critical Privilege Execution Exploit that needs immediate remediation along with an upgrade to Orion Platform.
A new zero-day vulnerability, CVE-2020-24600, was discovered by Cyber Security Works in Shilpi - Capexweb 1.1.
Security Agencies CISA (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency), FBI, and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) have issued a high alert joint security advisory to hospitals to take actions to secure themselves from Ryuk ransomware in particular.
Evil Corp used compromised legitimate websites to deliver ransomware in Garmin’s environment. The attack caused a 5-day outage for their product users. CSW Analysts have put together a list of domains, hashes, IOCs that have been compromised. Download the list to update your IPS/IDS and avoid being attacked.
CVE-2020-5902 is a critical remote code vulnerability that was discovered in the F5 Networks Big-IP administrative interface. From discovery to mitigation, see how things unfolded and check out CSW’s script to detect this vulnerability in Big-IP products.
Travelex fell prey to a ransomware attack (on New Year’s Eve) because they failed to install a patch issued by their VPN - Pulse Secure. How safe are our VPNs? Let's find out.
Systems, infrastructure, and sensitive information that were recentl viewed within the secure walls of one’s office is now being accessed through insecure connections and unsafe laptops from one’s home.
Today, the reliance on applications such as web proxy, remote conferencing, VPNs, etc. are at an all-time high which is yet another reason for threat actors to work overtime to exploit vulnerabilities.
This April, Cognizant fell prey to a nasty ransomware attack whose ripple effect has shaken the world. How safe is your tech stack? Let's take a look.
With the recent breaches in Zoom application and increasing instances of ‘zoombombing’ and data theft, a definitive study of popular online video conferencing tools was needed. Take a read.
Salt Typhoon (aka GhostEmperor) escalated its operations in 2024, targeting critical infrastructure across multiple countries. Here’s what you need to know.
CISA’s Secure by Design pledge underlines the importance of reframing how we talk about and address the fundamental challenge of vulnerability and weakness in widely used software.
Rhysida ransomware is a new threat that emerged in May 2023 and has since targeted various sectors, including healthcare and the government, impacting over 150 victims in 25 countries.
There’s more to weakness in code than frequency. For a true understanding of the risks, an understanding of the threat perspective is crucial. Here’s what DevOps, DevSecOPs and other defenders should be thinking about.
Learn about the vulnerabilities exploited, attack methodology, techniques and tactics used by the LockBit Ransomeware.
Securin experts have observed Cl0p ransomware exploiting a total of 13 vulnerabilities. We deep dive into who they are, their methodology, and tactics.
Read Securin experts' insights when they revisited HIVE and their attack tactics and techniques, and what organizations can do to remain safe from future attacks.
Securin’s VRS measures the risk posed by a vulnerability, considering factors such CVSS vector, threat associations, exploitation trends, and our AI- and ML-based predictions.
AvosLocker made a name for itself by targeting critical infrastructure in 2021 and is still worth monitoring today.
Companies that have experienced a breach underperform the market by more than 15% three years later. That raises the question - “Is your data safe?”
Vice Society has been observed employing ransomware variants, similar to the Russian Sandworm Team and TA505 threat actors.
As the world still reels under the impact of the Ukraine-Russia cyberwar, yet another Cyberwar has started between Iran and Albania. Securin's experts provide insights into Iranian threats that organizations need to watch out for.
Despite being patched four years ago, the self-propagating malware, Indexsinas SMB worm, exposes that Windows servers are still vulnerable to the infamous NSA EternalBlue exploits and can be used for crypto-mining.
Apache Log4j vulnerability is a critical zero-day code execution vulnerability. On December 9, 2021, the Internet was set on fire when an exploit was posted publicly for Apache Log4J - a well-known logging utility in the Java programming language.
Did you know hackers can exploit 125 weaponized vulnerabilities in VPN products to attack their targets? Securin analysts deep dive into exposures in VPNs that could compromise organizational networks.
The impact of the Log4j vulnerability continues to be felt by thousands of companies exploited or attacked by hackers and ransomware. Rapid and proactive action from Securin’s Incident Response Team helped protect all its clients.
This blog provides a snapshot of how Securin is helping schools gain resilience against cyber attacks and evolving threats and what schools can do to stay safe from ransomware attacks.
CSW weekly threat intelligence edition brings to you early warnings about critical vulnerabilities that could potentially be weaponized and prove dangerous to your organization and its assets.
All CVEs mentioned in this blog edition have received a maximum rating from the Threat Intelligence platform indicating high probability of exploitation.
Apache Log4j vulnerability CVE-2021-44228 is a critical zero-day code execution vulnerability with a CVSS base score of 10. This weakness poses a significant risk to many applications and cloud services and it needs to be patched right away!
CSW’s quarterly report on ransomware metrics reveals that three new APT groups are using ransomware to mount attacks on their targets, bringing the total number of APT groups using ransomware to 43. Read more on them here.
With the sudden increase in the number of establishments completely operating via remote means, the internet exposure is higher than ever before. The cyber threats of an organization expose the vulnerabilities present in its assets.
In this blog, CSW experts analyzed CISA’s Known Exploited Vulnerabilities (KEV) list for latencies in publishing, exploiting, and patching to understand how fast attackers are weaponizing them for attacks.
Conti has been one of the most prolific ransomware groups in 2022. Organizations need to prioritize patching for these vulnerabilities in order to avoid large-scale attacks.
iLOBleed was spotted targeting HP Enterprise’s server management technology to tamper with the firmware and wipe data off the infected systems. Could this be a sign of a dangerous trend?
Cybersecurity is a priority in education due to the lack of resources and continual ransomware attacks. CISA’s new K-12 Cybersecurity Act will research and develop tools to help schools become more secure against cyberattacks.
The Apache Software Foundation has published a new version 2.4.52 of the Apache HTTP Server to fix two vulnerabilities in one of the world's most popular web servers - one of which is rated as high, and the other as critical.
A directive recently released by the US government-backed Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency has a list of 703 known vulnerabilities that organizations have been asked to focus on patching immediately. Amongst them, 158 vulnerabilities have been identified as being exploited actively by various ransomware families. Read on to learn more about the vulnerabilities.
US-based customer support and sales representative company handling the world’s largest brands, TTEC, faces a network outage following a ransomware attack and sparks fears of a supply-chain attack. Read on to find out more about the attack.
The FBI, CISA, and the Cyber Guard (CGCYBERs) warned of a serious vulnerability (CVE-2021-40539) in a single Zoho Signup and Password Management Solution that State Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) actors are actively scanning the internet for vulnerable servers.
A critical security flaw in the Linux kernel went unpatched for 15 years till attackers used it to gain local privilege escalation, escape the Kubernetes pod and obtain root privileges on Linux systems. Read our analysis where we look into the vulnerability’s characteristics and the impact it can have.
Two OpenSSL vulnerabilities, one remote code execution, and a denial-of-service were discovered by network-attached storage device manufacturers, Synology and QNAP. The fear of a ransomware attack leveraging the vulnerabilities still remains high. Here is our analysis of the vulnerabilities.
On September 21, 2021, VMware published an advisory warning of nineteen vulnerabilities in their vCenter Server. Of the nineteen vulnerabilities, one CVE stands out as being extremely critical and potential to be exploited by ransomware—CVE-2021-22005.
The United States Cyber Command and Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) rang the warning bells for companies to patch a critical vulnerability (CVE-2021-26084) in the Atlassian Confluence Server and Data Center. Here is our analysis about this vulnerability.
An Israeli zero-click cyber-espionage software recently infected the Apple devices of journalists and politicians from around the world by exploiting three zero-day vulnerabilities. Read our analysis of these vulnerabilities.
On Aug 11, 2021, Accenture, a multinational IT Consulting and Services company, became the latest victim of LockBit 2.0 Ransomware. Our researchers investigated the vulnerabilities that LockBit exploits to compromise their targets and here is our analysis.
Nobelium, the APT group behind the infamous SolarWinds attack, has resurfaced in two recent campaigns against US-based IT companies and government organizations. Check out Securin’s analysis about 18 vulnerabilities used by the group to exploit and infiltrate their targets.
The Conti group is associated with three vulnerabilities. If these had taken precedence in the CVE patching priority, the series of Conti attacks could have been avoided.
CSW Pentester’s have released a script to detect the Windows Print Spooler Remote Code Execution Vulnerability. Running the script can help organizations detect connected devices that could be vulnerable to exploits.
REvil Ransomware uses six vulnerabilities to target their victims and if these had been remediated and patched on priority, JBS - the world’s largest meat packer could have escaped this attack. CSW warned about these vulnerabilities in its Ransomware Spotlight Report published in February 2021.
In our recently published Ransomware Spotlight report 2020 we tracked down vulnerabilities that are being used by Ransomware to launch attacks on organizations worldwide. Here are a few surprising findings about old vulnerabilities in this report
Ryuk is a crypto-ransomware strain that encrypts access to a system, device, or file through malware and demands ransom to release it.
This women’s day, we spoke to a few inspiring women executives who are breaking the myth and are soaring high. They are skilled, motivated, and talented and they come from different geographies, backgrounds but are united by their passion for cybersecurity.
What does 2021 have in store for cybersecurity? Will we take note of the lessons learned in 2020 and start taking security seriously? Will we see more cyberattacks? We asked our exclusive team of pentesting experts to predict the trends for us, and here is what they said.
2020 was a productive year for threat actors. With the world’s workforce working remotely while dealing with the pandemic, threat actors were busy weaponizing critical vulnerabilities that had a global impact. Many organizations fell prey to ransomware and sophisticated cyber attacks that allowed remote and privileged access to sensitive information.
Popular scanners such as Tenable, Qualys and Nexpose are missing 48 vulnerabilities out of 102 vulnerabilities. To help 18000 customers who have been affected, CSW team has come up with a script that would help detect SolarWinds Orion Product running on your network.
The massive breach of SolarWinds Network Management product has compromised as many as 18,000 organizations outside of U.S Government entities, security agencies, defense entities. We took a closer look at the weaknesses that exist in other SolarWinds products and found that top scanners miss most of the vulnerabilities.
Dec 13 SolarWinds disclosed that vulnerabilities in their network management tool Orion was used to mount attacks on FireEye and on several Government agencies. Securin analyzed Orion’s 15 Vulnerabilities and found a known critical Privilege Execution Exploit that needs immediate remediation along with an upgrade to Orion Platform.
A new zero-day vulnerability, CVE-2020-24600, was discovered by Cyber Security Works in Shilpi - Capexweb 1.1.
Security Agencies CISA (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency), FBI, and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) have issued a high alert joint security advisory to hospitals to take actions to secure themselves from Ryuk ransomware in particular.
Evil Corp used compromised legitimate websites to deliver ransomware in Garmin’s environment. The attack caused a 5-day outage for their product users. CSW Analysts have put together a list of domains, hashes, IOCs that have been compromised. Download the list to update your IPS/IDS and avoid being attacked.
CVE-2020-5902 is a critical remote code vulnerability that was discovered in the F5 Networks Big-IP administrative interface. From discovery to mitigation, see how things unfolded and check out CSW’s script to detect this vulnerability in Big-IP products.
Travelex fell prey to a ransomware attack (on New Year’s Eve) because they failed to install a patch issued by their VPN - Pulse Secure. How safe are our VPNs? Let's find out.
Systems, infrastructure, and sensitive information that were recentl viewed within the secure walls of one’s office is now being accessed through insecure connections and unsafe laptops from one’s home.
Today, the reliance on applications such as web proxy, remote conferencing, VPNs, etc. are at an all-time high which is yet another reason for threat actors to work overtime to exploit vulnerabilities.
This April, Cognizant fell prey to a nasty ransomware attack whose ripple effect has shaken the world. How safe is your tech stack? Let's take a look.
With the recent breaches in Zoom application and increasing instances of ‘zoombombing’ and data theft, a definitive study of popular online video conferencing tools was needed. Take a read.